4 Tips to Stop Procrastination

This is a great article saying procrastination doesn’t have to do with laziness or even self-regulating our time management. It argues that we procrastinate to avoid being in a bad mood and to gain temporary relief. This temporary relief is a short-term reward. The future consequences don’t affect our current being.

4 tips are the following:

1) be aware of our trigger emotions like boredom, frustration, or self-confidence (to name a few),

2) begin the first step of the task (open book/binder or write name on assignment),

3) think of the rewarding feeling from completing the task, and

4) rid barriers (like leave cell phone in the other room while completing the task). Also, forgiving ourselves when we procrastinate by telling ourselves that we’ll start earlier next time, causes less procrastination in the future.

The article is found here: https://nyti.ms/2HWzAg2.

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